The New Zealand Institute of Physics is a long-standing organisation servicing the needs of the physics/ahupūngao community of New Zealand. It has a diverse Council that represents all the various components of the physics community of NZ. It is unique in terms of its inbuilt connections between Centres of Research Excellence (CoRE) scientists, university academics and high school physics teachers.
Effectively all kaiako ahupūngao are directly connected to the organisation. The support that is provided for its network covers: provision of a secure website for delivery of resource/rauemi material; provision of quality assured assessment resources/rauemi aromatawai for NCEA; provision of professional development/whakawhanaketanga opportunities for teachers through conferences, mini workshops, online courses, one-on-one support and mentoring.
Its recent NEX funding has enabled it to grow its capability and has also provided sustainability by building strong connections with other physics organisations overseas namely IoP (UK) and the Perimeter Institute (Canada). It has also built relationships with two of the CoREs – MacDiarmid and Dodd-Walls. These relationships have enabled access to cutting edge researchers for NZ educators and students.