tā māTOU Kaupapa
Our support for professional learning and development for all kaiako and teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand is informed by our uara/values, which form the foundation of everything we do.
Tā MāTou wawata
Teacher Development Aotearoa reaches all kaiako in Aotearoa New Zealand and supports them on their learning journey for the benefit of all.
tā māTOU koromakinga
Teacher Development Aotearoa empowers kaiako to reflect on and improve their teaching practice led by expert kaiako to enhance learning and enable students to be full and active participants in society.
KO NGā Uara
We honour and give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi; we
embrace and celebrate difference.
We value collaboration, partnership, and co-design to seek mutually beneficial outcomes.
We strive to be innovative, creative, and find a way through while inspiring others to do the same.
We are considered, patient, and seek different viewpoints before we make decisions, and we learn from our experiences.
We promote and support hauora/well-being for individuals, teams, and organisations and try again when we miss our mark.
We act with honesty and follow through on our commitments.